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Fwd: Enfamericas 36/2020: Día de la Salud Universal 2020. “Salud para todos y todas: proteger a todas las personas” / Universal Health Day: Health for All, Protect Everyone



  El Día de la Salud Universal, 12 de diciembre, es el punto de reunión
anual del creciente movimiento por la salud universal, para asegurar que
todos y todas, en todas partes, tengan acceso a servicios de salud de
calidad, cuando y donde lo necesiten, sin exponerlos a dificultades
económicas y con intervenciones que les permitan tener una vida sana
para su desarrollo y bienestar humano. Cada año, la Región de las
Américas se ha sumado a la campaña global, destacando áreas
específicas de interés.

  Para celebrar este día, y en reconocimiento de la importancia de la
Salud Pública en la respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, la
Organización Panamericana de la Salud realizará el seminario web:
"La renovación de las funciones esenciales de salud pública en las
Américas: más necesaria que nunca para lograr la salud de todos y
todas y proteger a todas las personas".

  En este evento la OPS presentará la publicación a publicación "Las
funciones esenciales de salud pública en las Américas: una renovación
para el siglo XXI". El evento convocará a participantes de toda la
Región, a los tomadores de decisión en la formulación de políticas
en todos los niveles institucionales, a los equipos de salud, a los
profesionales de instituciones académicas y a los movimientos sociales.

  Cuándo: Viernes 11 de diciembre del 2020 de 11:00 a 12:30 horas (EDT).

  Cómo: Únase vía ZOOM con registración previa https://bit.ly/35aXr6Y

  O participe por YouTube https://www.youtube.com/pahotv [3]

  El evento tendrá interpretación simultánea al inglés y español.


  Universal Health Day: Health for All, Protect Everyone

  Universal Health Day on 12 December is the annual rallying point for
the growing movement for universal health to ensure that everyone,
everywhere, has access to quality health services, when and where they
need them, without exposing them to financial difficulties, and
interventions that allow a healthy life for their human development and
well-being. The Region of the Americas has joined the global campaign
every year, highlighting specific areas of interest.

  To celebrate this day and in recognition of the importance of Public
Health in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pan American Health
Organization will host the webinar: "The renewal of Essential Public
Health Functions in the Americas: more necessary than ever to achieve
health of all and protect everyone".

  During this event, PAHO will launch the publication entitled "The
Essential Public Health Functions in the Americas: A Renewal for the
21st Century". This event will summon participants from the entire
Region, decision-makers in policy formulation across institutional
levels, health teams, and professionals from academic institutions and
social movements.
When: Friday, 11 December 2020, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (EDT).
How: Join via ZOOM with prior registration https://bit.ly/35aXr6Y [5]

  Or follow via Youtube https://www.youtube.com/pahotv [6]

  The event will have simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish.


  This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is
part of an effort to disseminate information related to: nursing care,
nursing services, nursing human resources, health and development
Materials in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly
stated otherwise, the findings and interpretations included in the
materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan
American Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members".

PAHO/WHO Website: http:www.paho.org [1]

  For additional information of the _Enfamericas_ or contributions,
please contact enfamericas@paho.org

  If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe from _Enfamericas__ Listserv_,
please click here [8]

  Si desea registrarse o salir de la lista _Enfamericas__, _por favor
haga click aqui

  This message has been sent by the Pan American Health Organization
PAHO/WHO, as part of a strategy for the dissemination of information.
The material that is propagated by this listserv cannot be edited or
modified. Unless otherwise indicated, the conclusions and
interpretations included in the material express the opinions of the
authors or originators and not necessarily those of PAHO/WHO and its
Members. The Objective of the Listserv Enfamericas is to facilitate
communication channels between members and participants in the Network
as well as to disseminate information relating to the harmonization of
the pharmaceutical regulations.

  This Enfamericas Listserv is protected by the PAHO Privacy Policy [9].


Maria da Soledade Simeão dos Santos
Elaine Franco dos Santos Araujo
Coordenação de Ensino do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem  EEAN/UFRJ


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