Fwd: Announcement - VI Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VI BRISPE) - Rio, 9-11 Dec, 2020
Dear Colleagues, The VI Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VI BRISPE) will be held on Dec 9-11, 2020, in Rio de Janeiro. The VI BRISPE will explore _Research Integrity, Open Science and Authorship: Challenges and Opportunities for the Research Systems. _ The Meeting has been an important forum to address the role of research integrity in research systems. In 2020, the sixth edition is structured around open science and the evolving landscape for doing and communicating science today. Open science "...poses several challenges for the research enterprise, such as those involving the research process itself, with its traditional publication models and reward mechanisms ( https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/research-culture/ ). At the same time, this evolving landscape offers opportunities for the research systems to revisit some of the principles and/or notions underlying long-established practices,...